MemeCash expanding its solutions on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain

4 min readMar 8, 2021

MemeCash will explain in this article how expanding its solutions and services to a large number of new users and comunities.
There are different projects that are starting to expand on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This blockchain network has been created in order to offer users and developers with more efficient, fast and reliable services than traditional blockchains. For this reason, MemeCash also wants to add new services for its community based on Ethereum and the same for the Binance Smart Chain community.

This will mean that the MemeCash project based on MCH ERC20 token will continue its development. The development for our MCH holders will continue and very soon we will have some news for our community.

To join onthe world of the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), MemeCash has decided to create a new token, BMCH, with a supply equal to the MCH token, already existing on the Ethereum network. Our acknowledgments from Coingecko, CMC and Etherscan demonstrate our seriousness which will also continue in the development on the BSC network.

The partnership with Tinfoil Finance will be just the beginning of a road that we want to journey together.

What is the Airdrop for early supporters and how it works?

To enter the world of BSC, MemeCash has decided that will not run a token sale but only to request a small contribution for the Pancake initial listing.

Knowing the value of our artist, Stefan Popa Popa’S, we decided to create a sale on Rarible of 250 commemorative NFTs and reward all buyers who purchase our NFTs with a 10 BMCH airdrop. The price of these NFTs on Rarible will be 0,1 ETH and all proceeds will be used as initial liquidity for Pancake.
The value of these 10 BMCH will be 0,1ETH value in BNB at listing on Pancake.

On BSC, MemeCash will enables users of all levels of crypto experience and capital to easily and exponentially compound their yield.

What is the mission of MemeCash on BSC?

MemeCash will provides a methods for automating, carrying out, and improving yield compounding via the Binance Smart Chain ecosystem and the PancakeSwap protocol. This vastly simplifies yield aggregating, reduces gas fees, and enables individuals of all ranges of DeFi experience and available capital to benefit from the process.

The partnership Tinfoil Finance can be used for a multitude of yield farming purposes, including those seeking maximal yields and those seeking to balance risks and rewards. Thus, we aim to promote additional value and support to the underlying DeFi ecosystem.

The most important advantage of the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) over other yield farming strategies is the lower gas fee. By lowering the cost of users in this process, the BSC therefore opens up opportunities for individuals with less capital to invest to enter the DeFi space and still generate profits.

The initial yield strategies we will incorporate are that of our own token BMCH, the BMCH LP, CAKE (native to PancakeSwap) and other pools. We seeking to generate the most optimal and usefield yield generating strategies for our users.

Not only farming

The success of NFTs in the crypto space has also led MemeCash to introduce its NFTs in the Binance Smart Chain network.
Therefore, MemeCash has set out to continue with its two collections of NFTs which will have different development strategies: MemeCash ERC20 Collection and MemeCash BSC Collection.
The two development strategies will sustain each other and are an integral part of the development of the MemeCash project. We are already in advanced discussions with more famous artists who will join the master Popa’S to provide works together for both the MCH community and the BMCH community.

BMCH Token

The BMCH Token incentivizes platform participation and smooth protocol flow by acting as a rewards token that facilitates increased profits for users.

To claim these rewards, BMCH Token holders stake their BMCH in the BMCH Pools. The amount of profits that users are entitled to depends upon the number of BMCH they stake.

There are multiple ways for users to earn BMCH Tokens. These include:
Farmers can deposit the tokens required for our farms to receive compounded yields.
BMCH buyers can purchase the token at the start of our project launch on BSC. Then, these users can sell later on, in the intention of making a profit. We project that the value of BMCH will increase, based on the success of other projects in this space, as well as the fact that, as BMCH price increases, BMCH issuance will decrease.
Users can stake BMCH long-term for better returns. Again based on other projects in this space, we project that our BMCH pool APY will be around 100%, meaning that a user who buys $100 worth of BMCH and stakes for a year will earn around $100 worth of BNB. Users can also combine this strategy with selling BMCH for additional earnings.

BMCH Token distribution:

Airdrop NFTs holders — 2,500 BMCH
Pancake initial liquidity — 2,500 BMCH
Farmings — 10,000 BMCH
Marketing & Development — 5,000 BMCH
Strategic Investors — 4,500 BMCH locked for 1 month
Team — 3,500 BMCH locked for 6 month

50% of the 10,000 BMCH for farming will be distributed as following: 20% to the BMCH pool and 30% to the BMCH LP pool.


Knowing that Nfts have been and will be a very important blockchain branch, MemeCash aims to bring them to the attention of all blockchain communities. The two development strategies will be interoperable and will guarantee mutual support and benefits to the two MemeCash communities.




MEME is the brand that people want. MEMECA$H will be the technology and user experience that will make it popular.